Showcase Your Travel Stories

Unlike other travel blogs, this website is a collaboration of thousands of voices.  Originally founded as a print magazine (remember those?) distributed for free in hostels, South East Asia Backpacker was founded by 23-year old British backpacker, Nikki Scott. Her vision was to create a ‘travel diary for everyone’ – a place for backpackers to share tales from the dusty road!

Today that vision is very much alive in the website you see today! Over the past 12 years, travellers, locals and expats have come together to create the largest hub for backpacking in Southeast Asia! Do YOU want to be a part of this awesome community and help create content that is shared with thousands of travellers? Read on!

Videoing sunset and sea on mobile phone.
Want to share your travel experiences with others?

Are you a Travel Blogger?

We accept articles from travel bloggers and writers and will publish a bio about you with a link to your travel blog and other social media channels.

Articles must be unique and not have already been published on your own blog and be about an experience you have had in Southeast Asia.

If you are yet to start your travel blog, why not do a bit of writing for us to see how it is received by our readers? If you get published and enjoy the process, this could propel you into taking the next step on your travel blogging journey! If you’re good at it, we may also ask you to review hostels, tour and other experiences in Southeast Asia for free in exchange for writing a review! For more information on becoming a writer and the perks, see here.

Are you a YouTuber?

Do you want to share your video on our YouTube channel? In our brand new YouTube series “Southeast Asia Diaries”, we showcase traveller videos from across Southeast Asia!

YouTube video

We’ll add your video to our YouTube Channel with a link to your own channel and then share it in our Facebook Group (over 18,000 members) and other social media channels tagging you!

To get started, you simply need to send us a link to your YouTube channel. If you like, you can record a short introduction to add the beginning of the video like Charlotte did in her video here!

Are you an Instagrammer or Travel Photographer?

Currently in Southeast Asia? Why not do a Takeover of the South East Asia Backpacker Instagram account and share your story live with other travellers! 

Grab that selfie stick!

Of course, if you just want to share a few photos from your recent street food experience or boat trip – then we’d love to see that too! To do so, simply tag your pic with #seabackpackershare and we’ll share the best pics on our grid, crediting you of course!

If you’re a travel photographer and would like to showcase your photos in one of our destination guides or perhaps share your own photoblog then see our writers page above and get in touch via our contact page! All photographers will be credited.

Review Opportunities 

Travel companies often ask us to try out their tours and trips for free in exchange for writing an honest article about the experience. If the trip is good enough, it may qualify to appear in the booking section of our website, a place reserved for top-quality, tried and tested adventures, in a world with too many choices! 

We only offer review opportunities to writers, photographers and movie makers that have already been published.

Contact Us

If you’d like to collaborate with us in any of the ways mentioned above, get in touch via our contact us page here. Please explain briefly how you would like to collaborate and provide links to your Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or travel blog. We look forward to hearing from you!

And Finally… Join our Facebook Group

We are very proud of our supportive and inspiring Facebook Group: South East Asia Backpacker Community. While it’s an hourly task to let posts through, offer up to date travel advice and kick out the occasional troll, we love this job because it connects us with traveller’s highs and lows day by day! If you’re setting of backpacking in Southeast Asia, this is the place to connect with others, ask questions and offer advice yourself!

How we use our Facebook Group: We check posts and comments in our Facebook group daily and use them to update our website making sure that we have the most up to date information about Southeast Asia available. Sometimes we quote travellers in articles, but we will never use your full name without your permission. We will also never use photos without the photographer’s permission.

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