Singapore from above

Drone Laws In Singapore – Can I Fly A Drone In Singapore?

Flying a drone in Singapore offers a wonderfully rewarding experience. Ancient rainforest juts up against one of the world’s most advanced cities to create a photographer’s wet dream. 

This series of articles outlines our understanding of drone laws in Southeast Asia. We always recommend checking with official sources to ensure you’re operating your drone legally. 

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What Are The Drone Laws In Singapore?

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For a country with so many strict rules, drone laws in Singapore are relatively simple. The OneMap app highlights no-fly zones within the country and only drones over 250g need to be registered. 

Can I Fly A Drone In Singapore?

Yes, you can fly a drone in Singapore. Drones weighing more than 250g need to be registered with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Drone In Singapore?

Registering a drone to use in Singapore, assuming it’s over 250g, costs S$20.00 (approx $15USD).

When Should I Register A Drone for Singapore?

You should register a drone for use in Singapore at least two weeks before your intended flight. 

Do I Need Insurance To Fly A Drone In Singapore?

As we understand it, you only need drone insurance if your permit requires it. For drones under 250g, no insurance is required. However, we suggest getting a policy regardless in case of accidents. Cover Drone are our favourite drone insurer. Click here for Coverdrone UK!

Rules About Flying Drones In Singapore

When Can I Fly a Drone in Singapore?

You can only fly a drone in Singapore during the daytime and in good weather. 

Marina Bay Sands
You can only fly your drone during the day in Singapore!

Where Can I Fly a Drone in Singapore?

You can fly a drone anywhere in Singapore that’s not a no-fly zone. The OneMap app displays all no-fly zones within the country. As with most nations, airports, government buildings and military installations are all no-fly zones. 

You must also keep your drone in line of sight at all times. 

Is There a Maximum Altitude for Drones in Singapore?

Maximum altitude for drones in Singapore is 60 metres (200 feet). 

Failure to follow the drone laws in Singapore can result in fines of up to S$10,000 (approx $7,500USD) and six months imprisonment. 

Flying Drones in Singapore – A Round-Up

Rules for flying a drone in Singapore are easy to follow. As long as your drone is registered (unless it’s under 250g, then it doesn’t need to be) and you’re not in a no-fly zone, you can fly your drone where you like in the country. However, there are a lot of no-fly zones around Singapore City so be careful you’re not in one before you take off!

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