Please see the terms and conditions for any company that wants to sell their services through the South East Asia Backpacker website:
GDPR compliance:
South East Asia Backpacker is managed with adherence to the European Union’s new data regulations, GDPR, in effect as of 25th May 2018. By becoming an operator on our website you agree to comply fully with the GDPR regulations (full document available here).
For operators this will mean the following:
- When a customer books through our website, the operator (you) will be sent the customer’s name and email address. You may also be sent additional ‘customer order notes’ such as pick-up address, diet requirements or other information that is relevant to the booking.
- Under GDPR regulations you must agree to amend or delete the customer’s data if they email you asking you to do so.
- You can email the customer only with regard to the particular activity that they have booked. You are not allowed to contact them for any other reason than to confirm travel arrangements or ask for information related to the activity that they have booked. You cannot sign them up to a newsletter, unless they specifically give you consent to do so, nor can you send them any promotional material, nor can you pass their email address on to any 3rd party.
- The only data that we are allowed to take from the customer is the information that they give us at checkout. If you require further details from them, such as flight details, passport number or bank details, you must email the customer directly, without copying us in. We are not allowed to ask for additional information ourselves. It is your responsibility to handle the data that you obtain from the customer after the booking in accordance with the GDPR.
- You can read our own Privacy Policy on how we handle customers’ data here.
We take a basic commission for every activity sold through South East Asia Backpacker based on the type of service/product that you intend to sell.
How bookings work:
When the customer books your experience via our website, you will receive an email with the customer’s name and email and their chosen date to do the activity.
The customer will pay a deposit via their credit or debit card online. The deposit is a percentage of the total amount of the activity, which has been agreed upon as South East Asia Backpacker’s commission.
This deposit will remain in a ‘pending’ state for 48 hours until the activity date has been confirmed by you with the customer.
During this time, it is up to you to contact the customer promptly and confirm the details of the activity.
You should let the customer know if, for any reason, you cannot make a date/availability that they require. If you cannot make the date, then please suggest another date to them. As long as you are in dialogue with the customer we will hold the deposit until all of the details have been confirmed.
When all is confirmed with the customer – you should collect any additional information that you need to complete the booking – such as pick-up place/hotel address/passport or visa number. South East Asia Backpacker is not responsible for chasing the customer to retrieve this information.
IMPORTANT: Please cc. us in any replies to the customer so that we can keep track of the booking.
Changing the activity type:
During the 48-hour period (whilst the deposit is pending), the customer is able to make amends to the booking they have made i.e. change to a different activity if the one that they have chosen is not available, or downgrade/upgrade to an activity that has a different price.
However, once the details have been agreed upon between you and the customer and the deposit has been accepted, the customer cannot change to a different activity with a different price.
Confirming the activity and collecting the remaining payment
Once the activity start date date and other details have been agreed upon, you can send the customer any extra details that they will need before starting your activity. The customer can either pay the remaining amount on arrival or beforehand if you require. We strongly advise that you collect the payment in full in advance, especially before you pay out for any third party providers. It is your responsibility to collect the final payment and South East Asia Backpacker does not chase late payments from customers. South East Asia Backpacker cannot be liable for any costs incurred due to failure to collect the payment from the customer.
Cancellation policy for the customer
The deposit for the customer (that has been paid directly to us) is refundable. Any refund of the customer’s second payment, which goes directly to you, is under your control and based on your own Terms and Conditionss. You are free to set whatever cancellation and refund policy that you like, however you must make this clear to the customer when they make the payment to you.
South East Asia Backpacker liability
We accept no responsibility for any customer complaints or for anything which may go wrong for the customer during their time with you. Nor, do we accept any responsibility for anything that may go wrong in the interim period between the customer confirming their experience with you and their start date. The customer contract is solely with the operator and it is the operator’s responsibility to reply promptly to any enquiries the customer may have about their activity before they start.
We do not support the following activities/services on our website:
- Animal tourism, such as snake shows, monkey shows, etc.
- Orphanage tourism.
- Volunteering with children.
Activity Price:
IMPORTANT: To promote your activities with South East Asia Backpacker, we ask that you guarantee that the price you display is the same as the lowest price that can be found anywhere else online. If we find that the activity is being sold for less on another bookings website, we have the right to lower the price of your activity to match that bookings website.
Your profile and responsibility:
It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your activity details so that we can update them on our website (itinerary/start dates/what’s included, price).
Cancelling the partnership:
Either party (SEA Backpacker or the operator) can cancel the partnership at any time.
Content rights:
By providing South East Asia Backpacker with content, written, images, video or anything else to use on our site, the operator accepts full responsibility for ensuring they have the necessary rights to use that content. South East Asia Backpacker strongly recommends writing original descriptions of activities and providing only photos the operator has taken themselves, or that are taken by somebody hired specifically for that purpose by the operator.
If South East Asia Backpacker receives notice that unauthorised copyrighted material has been used on an operator’s booking page, the material will be removed and the operator’s details will be passed over to the informant in case further action is required.
Your profile & ratings:
All of your activities will be sold under your profile name. Customers who have experienced your activity can review the individual activity and/or you as an operator. This will show on your profile page. You cannot remove customer reviews from your profile unless you have a valid reason for doing so, eg the review is fake.
Your profile and product page:
Operators are not permitted to add a link to their own website to either their profile page or their product pages, for obvious reasons.