50 Inspiring Travel Bloggers to Follow!

Over the past few years, we’ve worked with loads of amazing travel bloggers who have written articles for our magazine, sent in photographs or given us recommendations about hot new destinations! From insider tips about how to travel off the beaten track, specialist advice about backpacking as a family or sailing as a couple, foodie blogs, environmentally friendly blogs, or general inspiration for the armchair traveller – the world of travel blogging is crammed full of fantastic information – if you just know where to look. Here are 50 blogs we’ve had the pleasure whose sites we reckon are worth a browse. We’ve been lucky enough to share a drink with more than a few of these as our paths crossed along the road….

(Please forgive us if we’ve missed your blog – there have been a lot more great bloggers we’ve worked with but we just couldn’t name them all! The list is in no particular order)

Read more about starting your own travel blog here!

1. We Are Sole Sisters

Originally written by two travel-loving, fashion-conscious, surf-searching colleagues from the Philippines, Lois Yasay and Chi Chi Bacolod, they now incorporate other sole sisters that they met on the road into their growing blog: “Sole Sisters are travelers who make travel happen for themselves and for others. We are women from all walks of life who defy the challenges and accept the uncertainties of life on the road. Our aim is to connect with like minded people who continue to travel, share their stories and empower others to find their own adventures.”

Must read post: 5 Ways to Deal with Post Travel Depression

Sole Sisters Bloggers

The original Sole Sisters, Lois and Chi Chi having fun in Pai, northern Thailand

2. Backpacks and Bunkbeds

Written by English lad, Neil Barnes, a travel fanatic who makes sure to leave home at least 4 times a year: “I first discovered travel in 2005, when after finishing uni I went to South Africa to teach sports for a couple of months.  It was the best time of my life, and it gave me a thirst for visiting new places and meeting new people which has never quite been quenched, so i continue to make my way to various countries.”

Must read post:  Songkran 2013: Super Soakers at Dawn in Luang Prabang

3. Paper Planes Blog

Written by our Chiang Mai buddy Alana Morgan, a twenty-something year old American, simultaneously figuring out herself and Chiang Mai: “Paper Planes is a travel lifestyle blog looking at the daily life of a place – what the people, eat, drink, do, wear.  I don’t post extensive guides on what to do where, but share tips, stories, places or activities things that I would share with friends coming to visit from out of town.  Depending on where I am, I also focus on expat living.”

Must read Post: 50 Best Cafes in Chiang Mai

Alana Morgan Chiang Mai

Alana and friends at Northgate Jazz Bar in Chiang Mai on their Tuesday night jamming night!

4. Flip’n Travels

Written by the quirky Ron and Monette, a Filipino travel buddy duo from the Philippines who are eager to ditch corporate life: “If you are weak of heart, no sense of humor, do not understand that sarcasm is best served dead-pan, thinks that randomly kissing strangers will get you pregnant, assumes that getting high is equal to selling your soul to the devil, believes that cursing will warrant agua oxinada on your tongue, and scared to hear honest opinions on travel…Leave or forever be tainted with our loathsome declarations coming out of our every orifice.

Must read post: The Day I Gave up Biking

Ron Monette Flip n Travels

Ron and Monette strike a pose during their travels in Europe

5. Travel Fashion Girl

Founded by Los Angeles-born Alex, also blogs at ‘Wanderlust and the Girl’
Written by a team of woman committed to looking good:
“We help you pack light on your adventures around the world through travel tips tailored specifically for a woman’s needs. If you’re planning a trip and want to know what to pack, you’ve come to the right place. Sit back, relax, and let us do the hard work for you – it’s your vacation after all! Happy travels!”

Read her blog here.

6. Spunky Monologues: Savoir Faire Abroad

Written by Pamela MacNaughton, a Canadian native who believes that comfort and budget can go hand in hand: “Once a hardcore backpacker, I was always looking for the cheapest options available and sleeping airports when I ran out of money. In the last two years I’ve grown as a traveller and as a person, and where the cheapest was fine, I now enjoy a little luxury on the road”

7. Goats on the Road

Written by Nick and Dariece Swift, a Canadian couple living the nomadic dream and favouring travel off the beaten track: “We travel continuously, stopping only to teach English or house sit. We are constantly planning our next trip and we live our life by the moment. No nine-to-fives, no boss, no planning for retirement, no white picket fence, no mortgage and no debt.”

Must read post: Go to Myanmar Before it’s too Late!

Goats on the road bloggers

Nick and Dariece enjoying fresh coconuts in South East Asia

8. Legal Nomads

Written by Jodi, a former New York lawyer and self-confessed foodie who quit the profession in 2008 and never looked back: “I thought I would return to lawyering after a year or so on the road, but as you know (since you’re reading this now), a return to the law never happened. This is my vaguely chronological recounting of my time living and eating abroad.”

Must read post: A Love Affair in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta 

9. Backpacker Becki

Written by English-born Becki, a solo female traveler who proves how fearless women can be: “My quest for cultural immersion has led me to become a South East Asia travel expert, having lived and travelled extensively in the region for over 12 months…But a traveller’s pursuit is never complete. Travelling differently, adventurously and with purpose – I want to show you how you can do it too.”

Must read post: Visiting the DMZ (The Demilitarized Zone in North Korea and South Korea- The Story from Both Sides

10. Gap Year Escape

Written by Amar Hussain, a man with a gap year plan that has, well, kind of taken off: “A Gap Year can mean different things to different people. Maybe you’re just starting or beginning your university education. Perhaps you sit behind a desk dreaming of something more. I’ve been there. I understand that urge to escape. That feeling deep down that says to you there is more to life.”

Must read post: Gap Year: Reloaded – Lessons From My First Gap Year For My Second

Amar Gap Year Escape

Amar at Machu Picchu in Peru, South America

11. Travel Go Girl

Started by Beth Santos, Travel Go Girl has since become a network of over 50 women who all believe in empowering others through travel: “What started as a blog seeking simply to address the experience of women travelers has become an international resource and network of traveling, globally minded women everywhere.”

Must read post: No husband, no meat and a side of humor, please

12. Pommie Travels

Written by Victoria Brewood, a Manchester native with a knack for delaying the ‘real world’: “After graduating from university I decided there was more to life than the hours between 9 and 5, so I packed my journalism degree into my suitcase to travel the world and work remotely. I hope to inspire you to be your own boss, live life and travel the world.”

Must read post: 30 Things to do Before 30

13. The Nomadic Family Travel Blog

Written by a family of five (Gabi, Kobi, Dahnya, Orazi and Solai) who have been living on the road for more than three years giving their kids a very different education to the norm: “The Nomadic Family has lived in the Ecuadorian jungles, danced with Vietnamese at weddings, and are now training for the Annapurna Circuit trek where a documentary film crew will accompany them.”

Must read post: I Need a Vacation – When You Just Want Something Else, Somewhere Else, Somehow, and Now

The Nomadic Family bloggers

14. Borderless Travels

Written by Ian Yacobucci, a teacher and traveler who has already touched down in more than 40 countries: “When I’m not working, blogging, or saving, I’m traveling. As a teacher I’ve worked in several countries spanning four continents around the world, and when I’m not working or traveling overseas I’m teaching in Canada.I’m passionate about travel and adventure which is why I’ve trained as a mountaineer in the Indian Himalayas, taught in Tokyo, traveled the Trans-Siberian, visited Chernobyl, surfed on the west coast of Indonesia, went scuba diving in the Philippines and so much more.”

Must read post: No Flight Home – http://borderlesstravels.com/2012/01/19/no-flight-home/

15. Matt Gibson

Travel writer and photographer Matt Gibson writes an inspiring and useful resource for lovers of travel and outdoors adventures: “Adventure is not an activity, it’s a state of being that occurs when control is uncertain. Adventure cannot be planned. It can only be achieved by putting yourself into situations where you must solve problems that are beyond your experience. Adventure is high-stakes improvisation.  I believe that engaging in these sorts of activities is healthy because it helps us to become more self-reliant, understand our potential, and sharpen our abilities.”

Must Read Post: Adventures in Malaysian Borneo – Driving at night with no lights

16. The Thai Chronicles

Written in the form of ‘travel lessons’ our very own web editor and journalist, Tyler Protano-Goodwin, shares: ‘You my friend are still so young or what I learnt after graduation’: “Here are the facts: I’m a recent college graduate. Traveling the world. I write. I teach. I practice yoga. Dancing happens often. If you want to win my affection red velvet cupcakes normally do the trick.” Tyler is heading to South America in January 2014 to help launch South America Backpacker Magazine!

Must read post: You are not crazy, you just live abroad

Tyler Protano Goodwin Thai Chronicles

Tyler reflects on life as an expat in Chiang Mai, Thailand 

17. Where Sidewalks End

Written by Canadian Ian Ord, travels and writes his blog with the motto of “You only live once”: “My life mission is to inspire as many people as possible to break free from their comfort zones, and experience some of the many wonders the world has to offer. Travel continues to change my life for the better, and I wish to share that type of experience with as many people as possible.”

Must read post: Sak Yant in Thailand – Getting inked the old-fashioned way in Thailand

18. That Backpacker

Written by ‘that backpacker’, Audrey Bergner, the girl who wants more stamps on her passport: “I grew up traveling but started doing so seriously when I turned eighteen. Since then I have travelled through Europe on three occasions, backpacked through northern Argentina, gone to India to attend a wedding (where I coincidentally cheated death on a rickshaw thrice in one night and bribed a cop within hours of landing in Mumbai), lived and worked in Korea, and am currently backpacking around South East Asia and wherever the wind blows.”

19.Travelling For Fun

We met Irish Ross at the TBEX Conference in Dublin, November 2013 and discovered that his fairly new blog was packed with useful information for the backpacker looking to head off the beaten track: “My name is Ross, I am an engineer in Ireland working for ‘the man’. I set up this website from my own experience to try and help others plan their trips better when going abroad. Hopefully you will find the website useful and have a little laugh at some of my misfortunes.”

Ross Travelling For Fun

Ross playing air guitar in the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia

20. Nomadic Samuel

A Culture Vulture in search of food and adventure, we met Sam at the Digital Innovation Asia Conference in Bangkok last July: “In my opinion, travel is filled with moments of splendor and moments of woe and I hope to capture both sides of the coin – at times not afraid to touch upon subjects that are off limits to others.”

21. Business Backpacker

After Brooke Ferguson (header photo) took her career on the road, she is now living the nomadic life permanently and wants to help others to start their own alternative lifestyle: “As an avid adventurer, I’ve realized the importance of witnessing other cultures, and learning how to become a global citizen.  In 2008, I moved my Lifestyle & Business Consulting practice online, and started the adventure of a lifetime.  wasn’t sure exactly where my travels would take me, or how long I’d be gone.  All I knew was that I had a list of goals that I wanted to do, places I wanted to see, and that I wanted to spend more time scuba diving, and rock climbing.”

Scuba Dive Brooke Business Backpacker

Brooke Scuba Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

22. Backpacker Banter

Traveller, surfer and photographer, Chris Stevens writes regularly at his quirky site that is packed with information for the backpacker: “My surfing has spurred on my traveling and I’ve visited a whole heap of crazy places which I’m sure I wouldn’t have even considered without it driving me. Combined with my photography degree its sent me off on an eclectic (ooo check out that big word!) mix of trips which result in a mash of cultures, landscape and beautiful blue waves – with heaps of chaos, calm and banter in equal measure!”

Must read post: Why Cambodia was my highlight of Asia.

23. Alex in Wanderland

Alexandra Baackes is an enthusiastic diver and underwater videographer as well as a freelance writer, designer and instagram addict! She blogs about travel, diving and living in South East Asia and South America on her site: “I’ve spent most of my life fighting an incurable case of wanderlust. Now that I’ve found a way, at least for now, to make my life centered around travel, I truly am Alex in Wanderland. Not to mention, I was a pretty big fan of a certain book and movie character who had a penchant for chasing crazy characters down rabbit holes…”

Must read post: The children of Cambodia

Alex in Wanderland blogger

Alex in Wanderland

24. The Hungry Backpackers

Two food and travel loving twenty-somethings who left the comfort of their jobs, home and the UK to travel for as long as possible: “We’ve travelled a lot independently, but as an awesome tag team we’re currently living in Sydney, Australia using our working holiday visas and exploring the city. We travelled to India, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia before arriving here; we have all sorts of ideas about what to do next, but they change every week… We like tea, photography, fish fingers sandwiches, bookshops, graffiti, galleries, and lots of sushi.”

25. A Vagabonding Life

We met Greg Rodgers at the Borneo World Music Festival in July 2013 and shared many beers and stories about travel and life on the road: “After 8+ years of working as an IT engineer for one of the most vile corporations in America, I managed to save enough money, sell my house and my things, and unplug myself from the Matrix before being consumed. I realized that the American Dream wasn’t my dream at all. Sure, I miss luxuries such as a steady paycheck and knowing that the IRS isn’t hiring soldiers of fortune to look for me…but the trade for life freedom was worth it!

Must read post: Laos and the good old days

Greg Rodgers rock climbing chiang mai

We ‘roped’ Greg into some rock climbing in Chiang Mai when he visited

26. Great Big Scary World

Written by Jamie Bowlby-Whiting, this site is packed full of inspiring swash-buckling adventures and travel mishaps: “As a kid, I was scared of the whole world. Fear overpowered me. It stopped me from doing so many things in my life and left me frustrated and unsatisfied. It is a long journey, but I am overcoming it. I chose to call this site Great Big Scary World because that is how I saw the world. In many ways, it is still very frightening and I think that many people see it in the same way. We find it much easier to stay within our comfort zones and live life in that grey area that supplies neither happiness nor sadness. Just safety. I truly believe that we can ask for something more in life.”

Must read post: Teach, cycle, get arrested, raft, get arrested, start again

27. Too Many Adaptors

One for the techie travelers, this site, founded by Dave Dean and Dustin Main provides a wealth of information for those unsure about which gadgets to take on the road: “Too Many Adapters is a leading source of technology news, information and resources for travellers. Our writers traverse the globe, smartphones in hand and luggage in tow, providing real-world accounts of the gear they use and the challenges they face.”

Must read post: Is it possible to work on the road using just a tablet?

28. The Coastguard Couple

Greg and Tiffany are travelling the world a little differently than the average backpacker. They are hitching a ride on sailboats to the most exotic corners of the globe – all for the price of groceries! But how do they do it? “If sailing to Tahiti on a 44 ft sailboat, getting pooped on by seagulls, hand-crafted coconut bikinis, sailing past tornadoes and ukulele Christmas carols are for you, check out our blog!”

Must read post: Volunteer crewing 101

Sailing coastguard couple

Read more about Greg & Tiffany in our article – How to sail the world for the cost of groceries

29. I Dream of Durian

Tanya Procyshyn is a freelance writer, photographer, and Southeast Asia travel expert. We first met Tanya in Singapore and she’s since written some great articles for our magazine! “My travels have taken me to more than 30 countries across the globe. With a passion for unusual destinations, my adventures range from camping with Komodo dragons in Indonesia to shaking hands with soldiers in Pyongyang, North Korea (watch out for an upcoming article in S.E.A Backpacker Magazine!). In Singapore, you may find her scuba-diving at Pulau Hantu or scouring Little India for the best masala dosa. “

Must read post: The greatest show in North Korea: The Pyongyang Military Circus

30. Way Out Far

Written by Vicki and Josh Smith, Way Out Far describes the adventurous couple’s escapades on journeys such as the Mongol Rally and the Rickshaw Run: “We have driven around half of Australia, back-packed around SE Asia, drove from the UK to Mongolia and even driven a rickshaw 4,000km across India (on our honeymoon no less!) and I want to share some of our stories before I get old and forget them. I also suspect that we’ll do a few more and this blog should continue to inspire us to have that drive.”

Must read post: http://wayoutfar.com/category/the-rickshaw-run/


Vicky and Josh, such good travel buddies – they got married!

31. Travel4More

Four friends, Janne, Patrice, Tom and Sina, are traveling and raising money for the charity, ‘just one’ which plays an active role in the rehabilitation of street children in Kathmandu, Nepal, helping them back into education and a ‘normal’ everyday life: “This blog is dedicated to a voyage of responsible discovery over several months from Melbourne to Mömlingen (a small town in Bavaria, Germany). We at Travel4more do not do things by halves, and it is in this vein that we planned our Travel4more tour – all 30,315 kilometres of it (that’s 18,837 miles).We strongly believe that covering so many km’s in one crazy route across the planet deserves a number of justifying purposes. So we are asking all you lovely, generous people to sponsor each individual km our poor legs will be covering. We’re not asking for much, just 10 cents/pence a km!”

32. The Weegs

An unconventional, adventure-seeking, fun-loving couple discovering the world with each other. The Weegs’ blog contains beautiful photography and quirky travel writing: “It started as a promise I made our moms to keep them posted on everything we do. This blog embodies our journey through the world, our thoughts and experiences, our relationship, and our new family. It doesn’t have an end. It is open, flexible and adaptable to our frame of mind. In other words, it’s developing along with our interests and life. We have been scuba diving in Mexico, Ecuador, Indonesia and Thailand, been spelunking in Bocas del Toro, hiked to the top of a volcano in Chile, trekked the Inca Trail and Patagonia, bungee jumped and hiked a glacier in New Zealand, the list goes on. We hope to do more and more!”

Must read post: When reality meets fantasy, Chiang Rai, Thailand

33. One Giant Step

Gillian Duffy, also the founder of travel resource, A Global Bookshelf, left home in January 2013 for untold adventures in far away lands: “In 2009/2010 my partner, Jason, and I embarked on a one year, fourteen country, trip around the world. After returning home to Canada for a couple of years we set off again to live in the world and experience travel from a much slower perspective. I look for books of all sorts about the places I’m in. I enjoy history books to give me a sense of how a country came to be and the struggles it endured. I like food books because we travel so much through the food of  a region. I read novels set in the places we visit to learn about culture and storytelling from a local perspective. And I turn to travelogues and memoirs to see how others have traveled in this place before me. This was the idea behind the Global Bookshelf!”

Must read post: Saving for travel

34. Regin’s Travels

Filipino backpacker, couchsurfer, mountaineer  and photographer based in Bangkok Thailand, Regin’s blog is packed with passion for travel and lust for life: “I believe that traveling is one of the best educations that we can have. And by doing so, others are also blessed. We can contribute to the growth of the economy of a country and help improve lives of individuals as well. Aside from travel, my passion includes choral singing, tennis, missionary works, classical music, formula 1 and photography. A Registered Nurse, I teach Health in an international school.”

Must read post: My top 10 favourite cities in Asia

Regin visits the SEA Backpacker office

Regin visited the former S.E.A Backpacker Office in Chiang Mai earlier in 2013

35. Adventurous Kate

Kate’s blog is a great guide to solo female travel and inspirational adventures around the world: “In September 2010, at the age of 26, I quit my job to travel Southeast Asia for six months. Six months turned into three years across more than 45 countries. I’ve been shipwrecked in Indonesia. I’ve taken a boob to the face in Istanbul.  I’ve hit on Jon Stewart in New York City, which got me subsequently mocked on The Daily Show, and I’ve been an extra in a really, really bad German movie.”

Must read post: Ask Kate – What is sex like on the backpacking trail?

36. Thrilling Heroics

Cody McKibben’s site is a fantastic resource for the would-be Digital Nomad who wants to take their career on the road and live the ‘location independent lifestyle’. His posts are always thought-provoking:  “It’s hard to describe what I ‘do’. In one way or another, my passion is to help others break free from the conventional template lifestyle – liberating you from traditional ways of thinking about work and life, building your own (entrepreneurial) projects, living a kick-ass remarkable life, and doing good for others.”

37. Migrationology

To say that Mark Wiens is obsessed with food is an understatement. We met mark in Bangkok (over dinner) a few years ago and since then he has shared his foodie tips with us: “I grew up traveling the world with my family and returned to the United States to attend university. After graduating, I decided to continue what I loved most: traveling the world, learning about other cultures, and eating local food. As a long-term traveler, I don’t make lots of money, but I have discovered ways to make enough money to live overseas and to do what I’m most passionate about!”

Must read post: 33 foods worth travelling across the world just to eat

MARK migrationology blogger

Mark indulging in street food in his home city of Bangkok, where he lives with his wife Ying

38. Nomadic2

Backpacking as a couple, Kael and Georgie from Sydney quit their full time jobs in the media industry and bought a one way ticket to Asia: “We have both loved traveling and have visited countries all over the world but always had to return to a job sitting behind a computer from 9-5. After a recent trip to Nepal we decided take the jump and quit our jobs for a more permanent travel adventure. The first stop on our trip is South East Asia where we travel throughout Borneo, Indonesia and Sri Lanka before working in Vietnam as English teachers. After this we plan to travel throughout Africa then onto South and Central America. Subscribe to our blog for updates and crazy stories on what we’ve been up to.”

39. The Indie Travel Podcast

Craig and Linda are two Kiwis who have been travelling since February 2006 and hosting host a weekly travel
Podcast with tales from their travels, tips for independent travellers and stories from guests around the world: “More than four years since we began our travels, the Indie Travel Podcast serves as an online home to backpackers, expats, digital nomads and career breakers. We continue to find interesting stories from people on the road, amazing opportunities to fund people’s travels, and practical advice from every continent in the world. We’re now publishing audio, video, photos and articles. There’s an amazing, worldwide community of indie travellers and many of them contribute their stories to the podcast. It’s become much bigger than us, but we’re glad to be caught up in the adventure with so many interesting people.”

Must read post: Why not listen to their podcasts instead! 

40. Wanderlust and Lipstick

A travel site for women written by women, founded by Beth Whitman this website has become much much more than one person’s blog: “For more than 25 years, I have been traveling the globe as a contemporary Wanderer: combining my love for travel with volunteer work, adventure trips, travel writing and business. I have backpacked through Nepal and hiked the Himalayan foothills in Bhutan; ridden a motorcycle solo from Seattle to Panama; worked with orphans in Vietnam through various volunteer programs; driven the AlCan Highway to Alaska; and maneuvered the back roads of France’s Dijon region in a rental car.”

Must read post: 10 tips for women riding motorcycles 

41. On Our Own Path

Married couple, Kyle and Bessie are travelling the world in search of the tastiest food, the friendliest people and amazing sights: “The day we met, Kyle asked me to go with Puerto Rico with him. I knew we were meant to be. In a few years time, we started some major traveling savings, got married, and in Jan 2008, took off with one-way tickets to Guatemala. We traveled by land from Mexico to Argentina, stopping to volunteer, learn Spanish, hike scary volcanoes, and cross desserts. As our travel fund dwindled, we felt a fork in the road. To continue travel or move home? We chose Korea. We spent a year teaching English, started a meaningful gifts site (WiseGifter retired in 2011) and saved up to keep traveling.”

Kyle and Bessie bloggers on our own path

Kyle and Bessie in Mingun, Myanmar

42. Nomadic Matt

Matt has one of the most popular travel blogs on the planet and it’s easy to see why with so much information for the would-be backpacker: “I’ve been traveling the world since 2006. Growing up in Boston, I was never a big traveler. I didn’t take my first trip overseas until I was 23. Outside a cruise and college trip to Montreal, I had no travel experience. After college, I got a job and the standard American two weeks a year vacation. I wanted to use that time to travel. After all, it was vacation time, right? So for my first trip overseas, I went on a tour to Costa Rica. That trip changed my life. From that moment on, I was hooked.”

Must read post: Why going home does not mean failure

43. Fearful Adventurer

We met Torre over Pizza and a glass of wine in Chiang Mai, Thailand and a few months later saw her book on the shelf in Waterstones bookshop back in England! Inspiring? “I’m a writer who travels. I’m a painter who potters. I’m a designer and an illustrator by trade. I’m a little bit bohemian, a little bit irreverent, and a little bit serious. I worry. A lot. I learned to love adventure after I fell for a man with a humble boat and a plan to sail the world. I’m a new author, and my debut book is ‘Love with a Chance of Drowning’. My home is Melbourne, Australia.”

Must read post: Travel, passion and romance, lessons from my Grandma

44. My Chiang Mai Everything

Written by a guy and a girl who love living in Chiang Mai! (Amy and Andy), the site is about experiences as an English teacher and their adventures around the city. (Amy is also part of our S.E.A. Backpacker Ambassador Team!): “Andy and I live in a small bungalow with a little garden.  Actually the garden could be better described as a wooden patio with a big tree and some funny looking mushrooms that have sprouted since rainy season started.  I still love it though.  We work together at a Thai school, teaching English to Thai teenagers.  We spend our free time exploring the city and the countryside around Chiang Mai on our motorbike.  This means you can expect to see blog posts full of food, coffee, wine, art galleries, motorbike tours, waterfalls, forests, rivers and whatever else makes us love Chiang Mai. I recently dyed my hair bright orange.”

Must read post: Why  teach in Chiang Mai – 6 pros and 6 cons

Amy Burbridge

Amy at the Loi Krathong (Festival of Lights) Parade in November 2013

45. Canvas of Light

Primarily a photographer, Daniel Nahabedian shares his experiences through his beautifully presented blog (we also saw him speak at TBEX Europe): “I am a multicultural Armenian guy, born in Lebanon during the civil war, raised in the United Arab Emirates, carrying a French passport and speaking 5 languages (currently learning my 6th one). I guess I could be called a “citizen of the World”. Photography helped me realize what I most wanted in my life: to share knowledge, to develop my creativity, challenge myself and broaden my horizons by traveling. It was the perfect tool to accomplish these goals. My personal mission is to share the knowledge I acquire during my travels. The World would probably be an easier place if people understood each other, the different cultures and traditions.”

Must read post: Visakha Bucha in Chiang Mai, Thailand

46. Nerdy Nomad

Kirsty Henderson is a Canadian backpacker with a check-list of 99 things she wants to do in her life and travels: “My latest and greatest passion is volunteering and I have spent time in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Indonesia and Haiti as a volunteer. The work is hard but hugely rewarding and the people I’ve met have been amazing. I could go on and on about volunteering but instead I’ll steer you to my ebook page. I wrote an ebook called The Underground Guide to Volunteering and, if you’re remotely interested in volunteering, pick it up because it will be helpful. I promise.”

Must read post: Building lasting friendships on the road

47. Uncornered Marketl

Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott are the husband-and-wife storytelling and photography team behind Uncornered Market. They travel deep and off-beat, aiming to connect the world through people, food and adventure: “We have been described as adventurers, professionals, and – most recently – as full-time travelers and storytellers. Our passions: creativity, personal development, technology, public diplomacy, travel and street food. And yes, we do believe there is a common thread woven between them all.”

Must read post: 5 unconventional travel safety tips

48. In Search of Sanuk

Dwight Turner lives in Bangkok and has a mission in ‘funlathropy’ hence starting the ‘In Search of Sanuk Project’ in late 2008. His blog is full of inspiration for volunteers and travellers in looking deeper into social problems: “In Search of Sanuk directly provides food, shelter, and educational support for survivors of torture and trauma, focusing special attention on at risk women and girls. Our hope is to provide as much ‘sanuk’, the Thai word for fun and enjoyment, into the lives of these vulnerable communities as possible. We recognize the power that play and laughter possess in communicating beyond barriers to override heartbreaking circumstance and enhance our mission.”

Must read post: Wake up calls, lullabies, and the inspiring sounds of Yangon

Dwight Cody Volunteering

Dwight Turner with Cody from Thrilling Heroics volunteering with street kids in Bangkok

49. Today Was Meaningful

Written by Jessica whose life goal is to make a positive impact on the world whatever that may be: “Recently, what i am most worried about is making the most out of every moment.  and that includes the moments i spend with you-the people i love.  it also includes making the most out of situations i find challenging, stressful, or boring.  this means that i am currently working on creatively finding ways to brighten up my life (and those around me) despite other commitments.  i have learned rather quickly however, that i don’t need to go out of my way to make my days meaningful. The purpose of this blog- and really, my whole entire life- is to commit to doing something for the greater good (in any way possible) on a daily basis.”

Must read post: …because I’m a twenty-something.

50. Nomadic Megan

Megan Swanick is currently an English teacher in Chiang Mai who is sharing her stories and experiences of expat life on her blog. One of Megan’s first travel experiences was the World Cup in South Africa in 201o after she backpacked through Africa for 6 weeks:  “My lust for travel began long ago, when I first left home to visit Italy in 2007. Since then, I’ve been consistently breaking my budget and stressing out my lovely parents by plotting my way around the world. In 2010, I spent six weeks backpacking The FIFA World Cup in South Africa. How did I afford that? Lots of jobs, careful budgetting, couchsurfing, and being okay with no money to my name when I returned. All for the love of travel and adventure, right? I document my current Southeast Asian life as well as my memories of expired trips on my website.”

World Cup

 Megan at the World Cup South Africa 2010.

*She also wrote a guide to getting tickets for the World Cup 2014 in Brazil over at South America Backpacker

And that’s it… For Now!

What other travel blogs would you recommend? Whose words have inspired you in 2013? We look forward to hearing your opinions…

2 thoughts on “50 Inspiring Travel Bloggers to Follow!”

  1. Where Sidewalks End

    Woot!! Thanks so much for the mention!! Really an incredible list you put together. We’re honoured to be amongst so many great people!

  2. Gap Year Escape

    Thanks for the mention guys. Great to be amongst some awesome company.

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